The Coming Times
The Announcement Letter  
My children,

I have provided a means for the divine to communicate with you.  My
scribe has created three websites at my command.  Please do avail
yourself of them and listen to what we have to say.  Listen, contemplate,
and hear.  Yes hear the essence of the messages we are imparting to
you.  Do not knee-jerk in reaction to what you see at first glance.  Take
the time to read the messages.  Read them closely.  Read them all.  For
they are a whole you see.  And after you have read them in their
entirety, return and read them again from the top.  And the second
reading will make much more sense to you.  For things first referenced
are later expounded upon.  Things hinted at are later fleshed out.  Partial
views are later given more full exposure.

Take your time my children.  Much care and thought and time has been
given in creating these messages.  Please do us the courtesy and
yourself the favor, of taking care and thought and time in receiving these
messages.  And yes, do receive them.  That is, place yourself in a
receptive mood.  You may wish to do a brief meditation before reading
the messages.  A slow, calm deep breathing will do if you do not have a
meditation technique.

  Good luck my children.  The messages are given to you in love my
children.  They are meant to encourage you and to show you that you
need not look at the ever increasing darkness around you but can turn
within and within discover how to create a higher reality for yourself.  
Choose my children choose.  Whose voice shall you listen to.  The voice
of the snake blared at you incessantly via the so-called news.  Or shall
you listen to my voice.  The voice of me and my fellows.  We are here to
help you.  We have created these websites so that you may learn to
avail yourself of our help.  For you will increasingly need our help in
these Coming Times.  Forgive us my children, but the times ahead will
grow increasingly dark.  I am sorry for this my children, but this is what
you are creating.  This is what you are deliberately choosing to create.  
And what you create you shall experience.

I invite you to rethink your creation.  I invite you to rethink your
position.  I invite you to create a lighter world, a world more hospitable
to Life, a world that will nurture your children.

    I love you my children
    I wish all the best for you my children
    I pray over you my children
    And I beg of you, I beg of you, I beg of you:
    Ask, ask, ask
    Ask for the help that you need
    Ask to be shown the way out
    Ask to be shown how to listen, hear, and follow my voice
    For my voice shall lead you to life
    To life everlasting
    To life that you will enjoy living

    God bless you my children
    I bless you my children

    Take advantage of these websites my children
    Make good use of them
    Use them my dear ones to reach ever closer to me
    And to the life that you were meant to live
    To the you that you ARE

    Three different websites have been created
    But do feel free to read them all
    Yes reading them in order is good
    Reading them at random will work if that is what appeals to you

Our first web site was created at the request of the Father and Mother
of the Original People of North America.  The people you now refer to as
Native Americans.  Within this website there are messages for all people
and interspersed among the messages are messages specifically geared
for and to the Original Americans.  They provide insight into your history
and into your current plight.  When you read of the proposed solution, do
not take offense.  Do not react in a knee jerk fashion.  Continue with
your reading.  Do a close read of all three sites and realize that the
solution being proposed to you is also the solution that is now being
proposed to the entire human race.

Our second website is called "The Coming Times" but truly it may as
well be called "The Present Time" so quickly my children are you rushing
forward like lemmings toward your death.  Read this site and recognize
the truth of what you have created, what you are creating; and decide
for yourself if you wish to continue along this path or if you wish to
rethink your position and choose to create a completely different Coming
Time.  The choice is yours.  Their consequences, their natural
consequences are your creation.  And what you choose, you create.  And
what you create, you experience.

  Please my children, do not be naïve.  Do not expect to create one
reality and then turn to me and ask me to provide you with a different
reality.  For you to learn, you must experience the reality that you
create.  Thus you will learn to be more careful in your choices.  More
careful as to what you create.  For of course, you will experience your
creation.  You will experience your creation.  Choose and create what
you wish to experience.  Look and see what it is that you are choosing
and creating.  Look and see my children.  Look for yourselves.  See for
yourselves.  Do not believe, do not swallow whole what is being spoon-
fed to you.  Know that you are being lied to.  Know that these are
diverting tactics meant to distract you while the snakes of the day go
about their business, achieving their end, and leaving you to swallow
their bitter pill.

Wake up my children!  Wake up!  Wake up to the reality around you.  
See it as it is and not as you are told that it is.  See what it is that you
are creating and not what you are told is being created.  And choose.  
With eyes wide open, choose.  My Father will respect your choice.  
However you choose, my Father will respect your choice.  For you have
the gift of Free Will you see and my Father has no choice but to respect
your choice.  And we in Heaven are not allowed to intervene unless you
ask us to.  Ask us to.  I beg of you, ask us to.  For truly you are already in
a position from which you can no longer extricate yourself without our
help.  Ask.  Ask.  Ask.  And then turn within and listen and hear our
response.  Listen, hear, and follow; and create a bright and life-
sustaining reality for yourselves, for your children, and for your home
itself, the planet Earth.

Know that we are creating a new home for you as we speak.  And this
new home, Terra, is the subject of our third website.  Terra will be
available to those of my children who are pure of heart.  She shall be
available after the Coming Times have come to their natural conclusion.

  Terra is my greatest dream and hope for you my children.  It is my
attempt to give you a fresh start.  A start free of the snake.  A world in
which you may make your own choices free from unknown and
malevolent influences.  The choices you make on Terra, the reality you
create on Terra will be humanity’s and humanity’s only.  On Terra, you
shall be free of all interference.  You shall truly be free to create your
own expression.  Your creation shall no longer surprise you.  The
consequences will be clearly the result of your choices.  We understand
that it may not appear so on Earth.  Please know that there are
malevolent forces on Earth influencing you, distracting you, putting you
to sleep, leaving themselves free to work their evil upon the world.  And
my children it is not my intent to frighten you.  It is not my intent to harp
upon conspiracy theories.  On the contrary, our intent is to show you, to
clearly show you that the power is yours.  Your power, your
sovereignty, your freedom are your God-given gifts and no one, no thing
can take these your gifts away from you.  You unfortunately have the
ability to give them away.  And give them away you do and do and do.

  We are asking you our children to reclaim your individual power,
reclaim your individual sovereignty, reclaim your freedom, and yes my
children, reclaim your loving relationship with your planet, your home,
your Earth.

    God bless you my children
    Good luck to you my children
    Choose well my children

    For what you choose you will create
    For what you create, you will experience
    Choose well.  Choose well. Choose well


Your Lord and Christ
The one you call Jesus

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